Hokage Troopers of the Philippines (HTP) accidentally became a group, during the earlier part of January 2016, it was when the last batch of SMRC Pampanga who were then newbies who always take a short ride during the night with different back-rides. Admins then of SMRC Pampanga encourage them to wear full gears on every ride, but instead they were caught riding with their backrides without helmets.
They were apprehended by the admins, and from there every ride they took they started wearing full gears, nor else they had to take off their VEST and cover their stickers on each bike so no one would recognize which group where they belong. Since they were like ninjas back then, hiding from admins on the road with different back rides every night, they were called the “HOKAGEs” and the rest is history.
Hokage means Head of the Ninjas of one of the countries in Naruto, a Japanese anime.
H– Helping
O– Other motorist in
K– Knowing how to become an
A– Awesomely
G– Great
E– Example on the road
And during an SMRC Pampanga Admin meeting, the admins decided to officially adopt the name “HOKAGE” as their official club name. Especially that most of the members of the club were no longer SYM users. They had come up with the official name “HOKAGE TROOPERS of the Philippines” with the same Admins and officers of the former group, SMRC Pampanga. HTP was officially launched on the 7th day of February as it was the last EB of SMRC Pampanga and 1st EB of HTP.
SMRC was well known to be a club that follow traffic rules when they ride, the group loves travelling to different places, they have been mostly on the northern part of Luzon, as they have transition to HTP newbies should expect more rides, as the group is targeting to conquer the Northern part of Luzon during the holy week, a north loop! So, they could start their journey towards south.
HTP is open to all motorcycle units, a rider is welcome as long as he is willing to be trained and should follow rules and requirements of the club that were written on the other page.
HTP motto : NO ONE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND! – it is proven! whether you’re an admin or a newbie it doesn’t matter, everybody in the club is equal. Everyone on the ride will get to the destination and will get home safe. As there are marshals who always ensure the safety of the convoy!
Want to become a member of this group? Click here and join our Facebook reception desk group page.